Make the graduation cards you need! This class is priced per card so you only need to make the number you need! Need 1, Make 1. Need 10? Make 10!
Some cards will have color choices so you can match the graduates school colors.
If you know which cards you want and the colors, pre-order them and we will have everything ready for you to come in and assemble the cards.
Please bring your adhesives.
$3.00 / card
Card 1: Balloons
Color Choices: black, white, red, blue, yellow, purple, green, orange
Card 2: Black Cap
Card 2: White Cap
Tassel Choices: black, white, red, blue, yellow, purple, green, orange
Card 3:
Card 4:
Circle Color Choices: black, white, red, blue, yellow, purple, green, orange
Card 5: Congrats